Extended DISC Suite of Assessments

Written on the 17 September 2013

Extended DISC Suite of Assessments

“There are many good assessment tools on the market for use in coaching and leadership development—Extended DISC® is just more effective.”
Jerold V. Tucker, Principal, The Global Coaching Network, Inc., Former CLO of GTE

Over 85% of our customers upgraded from old DISC to Extended DISC®

Should you?

WHAT IS Extended DISC®?

Extended DISC® is an assessment system providing you with information to make better business decisions with confidence. It helps you and your organization to be more profitable and to avoid decisions that result in expensive mistakes, wasted resources and time, and costly problems.

Among the most popular applications for the Extended DISC® Assessment System are:

  • Recruiting
  • Leadership Development
  • Organizational Development
  • Sales Training
  • Customer Service Training
  • Team Development
  • Coaching
  • Cross-Cultural Communication
  • Communication and Inter-personal Skills Training

“The versatility of Extended DISC® lends itself to inclusion in several of our leadership development programs.”
Ashley Miles
Director, Worldwide Learning and Development Pfizer Inc.


Extended DISC® Assessment System is used by the leading companies in their respective fields around the world. Over 85% upgraded from old DISC to Extended DISC®. Our customers typically upgraded because they needed assessments that:

  • Offer the latest in assessment science and technology
  • Provide very practical information that is directly tied to business results
  • Generate unique, individual results for every single participant and not general results that are applied to a large number of individuals lacking real credibility
  • Can be more easily customized to different and applications
  • Offer a full-range of solutions from individual to team and even organizational applications
  • Can be used from quick training event applications to comprehensive organization-wide development process initiatives
  • Provide validated questionnaires and results world-wide with over 50 languages

Contact us to find out if you should make the upgrade to Extended DISC®

Click here and go to Extended DISC online to take a personal analysis.

The results come to us automatically. Just follow the instructions below and we will invoice you $150 (+ GST if you are in Australia)
1) Click here to go to Extemded DISC online
2) Make sure the desired language is the one you first learnt to speak fluently as a child - your natural languge
3) Enter the access code: AUS-TTDATA
4) Click submit
5) Fill in the required information and click “I am ready to begin”.
6) Please read the instructions CAREFULLY! (Fill in all 24 questions)
7) The assessment will take 7-10 minutes!
8) Click one “M” and one “L” for each of the 24 segments.
9) You will end up with 48 checks on the page.
10) For each group, click only 1 M for Most and 1 L for Least like you.

We look forward to hearing from you soon. You can email us or simply call 07 3103 0177