Extended DISC Team Analysis Report – Scatter Map, and Job Fit

Extended DISC Team Analysis Report – Scatter Map, and Job Fit

The Scatter Map in the Extended DISC Team Analysis Report invites questions that some users may not have considered. Last month we looked at team tasking and this month we will consider some other aspects of the Scatter Map, and specifically Job Fit, Team Fit and Pair Fit.

One of the important issues in any team is to ensure that the individuals and their job requirements match. So, one should ask the following questions:

1. How well do the individuals and their job requirements match?
2. Should responsibilities within the team be reassigned?
3. Is there an opportunity for delegation?

Some organisations use the Team Analysis Report to “balance” their teams, moving personnel
from one team to another when deficiencies of imbalances become obvious.

Consider for a moment the following two sales teams as far as Job Fit is concerned. Clearly we
have two quite different teams and the three questions listed above would become quite pertinent
in ensuring every team member was fully engaged.

Let us now consider Team Fit. The questions that need to be considered for this aspect are:

1. What specific strengths for the team does each team member possess?
2. How is the specific behavioural style of each individual recognised in his/her daily work?
3. What specific managerial requirements are created by the distribution of team members’ styles?

Again we need to think about the overall productivity of each team, which again stems from ensuring there is motivation and a balance of roles. One team is clearly short on Changers, Influencers and Excitors while the other has several team members with these behavioural styles.
Depending on the products being sold, there may well be a need for a change in each team.

And finally, we need to think about Pair Fit. The questions one needs to ask are:

1. For close pairs, which individuals work best together and what opportunities and
challenges do this present to the team?

2. For distant pairs, what are the communication and cooperation needs for people who are far apart in behavioural styles on the Scatter

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Author:EDA Newsletter Library