Extended DISC Accredited Practitioner - Cairns

1 Day Workshop  +  2 follow-on One-on-One sessions.Extended DISC Accreditation at Talent Tools


You will spend a full day covering the background of the Extended DISC®model of human behaviour and looking closely at the 4 main behaviours. You will gain an understanding of how people are motivated; approach tasks and goals; experience stress; and are likely to communicate at work. 

This full-day course will also explain how to "read" what is not written in the Extended DISC Report. Learn how to interpret the Extended DISC Profiles and the diamond, and identify important 'emotions' seen in graphs through the 10 special cases.

You will also learn about why Extended DISC® profiling is so commonly applied in the business environment and how easy the FinxS platform is to use in administering reports for yourself or for a client.

Follow on Sessions:

1.  Demonstration debrief using a real report, person and context

2.  online system admin training, using our virtual classroom.        

Starting:9:00 AM
Thursday 27th June 2019
Ending:4:00 PM
Date of Registration:Thursday, 27 June 2019
Phone Enquiries:1800 768 569
Email Enquiries: team@talenttools.com.au

Extended DISC Accredited Practitioner  - Cairns