Assessing Assessments Template

Learn to navigate the world of workplace assessment instruments.

Explore when to use them, how to determine your assessment needs and the criteria for identifying "fit for your purpose assessments."

By attending this session you will be provided with the opportunity to:

  • learn about the 5 Essential Components of Effective Workplace Assessments
  • Identify which category of assessments will be est to meet your specific requirements in regard to your business, performance and learning needs
  • understand the meaning of Validity and Reliability and how they apply in the assessment process
  • determine if/how validity and/or relevance are relevant to your current assessment project
  • learn the key question to ask the different providersto determine if their tool is the right fit
  • gain the knowledge to be able to guide others in the research and selection of fit-for-purpose workplace assessment tools.




Venue Address:64 Cavenagh Street Darwin
Starting:9:00 AM
Monday 1st October 2018
Ending:10:30 AM
Date of Registration:Monday, 01 October 2018
Phone Enquiries:1800 768 569
Email Enquiries:

Assessing Assessments Template